
Furvus Wolf, Unchained

Deviation Actions

MightyMouseFan78's avatar

Literature Text

Night time in an old abandoned warehouse finds two male wolves sitting in an office.  One of them was pretty sharp- dressed and the other was wearing gang style clothing.  The sharp-dressed wolf was sitting behind a big desk talking to the other wolf.  "So, if we gather some other members in the location that you said would work best, you'd better make sure that it will work or…"  The wolves turned around as there was a loud banging on the office's thick metal door…BANG…BANG…BANG.  The door shook and started to form some dents in it.  The wolf in gang clothing looked at the other wolf.  "What's that? A sledge hammer or something?"  Both wolves continued to look on in confusion as the metal of the door started to whine with the pressure being placed to it as the banging continued.  Then the door shook a bit and bent forward ripping off of its hinges.  Deep growling was also heard from behind the door and two grey-furred paws held onto either side of the mangled metal door.  The two wolves now looked on with some fear as the door was flung across the room and landed with a loud crash on the ground.  Furvus stepped into the door and the hulking wolf flexed his massive arms to his sides and continued to growl deeply.  "Well, I did knock first…just thought that I'd let myself in."  Furvus wore jeans and a black tank top with Beast written across it in red letters.  The sharp-dressed wolf glared at him from behind his desk.  "You stupid cop!  You can't barge in here without a warrant…I know my rights!"  Furvus narrowed his eyes at him.  "I'm not here as a cop today…I'm here as a very dangerous wolf!"  The wolf in gang clothing charged at Furvus…which was not a good idea.  Furvus simply grabbed him and tossed him across the room.  The wolf landed with a thud and slid some on the ground, knocked out cold.  The sharp-dressed wolf reached for a phone on his desk.  For a very big wolf, Furvus moves pretty quick and rushed over and grabbed hold of the wolf's paw on the phone receiver giving it a nice squeeze.  The sharp-dressed wolf yipped a bit in pain and released the phone receiver.  Furvus then grabbed the phone and tore the phone cord out of the wall and then tossed the phone on the ground.  "I'm sorry, but your call was not able to be completed."  Furvus again growled deep and dangerously and grabbed the side of the large desk that the sharp-dressed wolf was sitting behind and slid it out of the way with a loud screeching sound on the ground as it did so.  Furvus then walked up to the sharp-dressed wolf and lifted him out of his chair and slammed him against a wall…his feet dangling in the air a bit.  Furvus' massive and well-defined muscles rippled and bulged out some in the process.  "Now you listen good because this is your only warning that you are getting from me.  You think that you can threaten the ones who I care about without me hearing of this?  I know that you probably don't care too much what happens to those gang members of yours, but I'm sure that you care about what happens to you.  If you or any gang member so much as breathes in their direction or mine…I will come for you and I will destroy you!  I'm every nightmare that you ever had wrapped up into one very big and very powerful wolf…and one very dangerous wolf!  You remember what I just told you because…trust me…should I pay you another visit…I'll show you pain that you never knew existed!"  Furvus let go of the sharp-dressed wolf and he slid against the wall to the ground.  Furvus looked down at him and performed a most muscle pose and growled extremely loud and powerfully at the wolf.  All of his muscles were completely ripped and Furvus flexed them to their fullest to complete this show of intimidation and power.  The sharp-dressed wolf seemed to whimper a bit at this.  Furvus nodded in approval and stormed out of the office.  Furvus started to head out of the warehouse, but two wolves in gang wear approached him.  Furvus frowned and growled some at them.  "Guys, I'm really not in the mood right now."  The two wolves growled at Furvus and looked as if they'd charge him.  Furvus growled louder and charged at them before they had a chance to make the first move.  He slammed into them, grabbing them by their shirtfronts and slammed through a wall…holding onto them the whole time.  The two gang wolves were knocked out with the impact and Furvus stood up and dusted off the debris from the wall that was on him.  He noticed another gang wolf approaching him and growled at him pointing to the two downed gang wolves.  "They got in my way."  The other gang wolf took note of this, turned around and ran away from Furvus.  Furvus nodded in approval at this and walked on his way.
Later in the day, in a boxing gym, a male coyote and male wolf were talking with one another as a big male wolf in boxing gear stood nearby.  "I'm telling you Frank…he's going to be the next champ for sure…you should see him in the ring."  The wolf talking with the coyote was a promoter of sorts and was trying to set up a fight with his client.  The coyote was nodding in approval of this.  "I've seen him fight and he's got some great skills there for sure…I'll see what I can do."  The three turned their attention to a hallway nearby as there was some commotion coming from in it.  The wolf motioned for his client, the wolf in boxing gear, to check it out.  To this, the boxing wolf did so and moments later came sprawling backwards out of the hallway and fell backwards to the ground in front of his promoter and the coyote.  The promoter was in shock of this.  "He was knocked out…are you kidding me?  Who did this?!"  They both found out soon enough as a very angry Furvus walked into the large gym from the hallway.  The hulking wolf noticed the two and headed towards them.  He growled at them.  "Sending a sheep to do a wolf's job?"  The promoter looked wide-eyed at Furvus.  He was in awe of the sheer size of the wolf.  "That…that was my best fighter…and you just knocked him out like he was nothing?  I want to promote you…you could make some great money for sure…you are huge!"  Furvus growled at the promoter wolf.  "Thanks, but no thanks…now I'm here to talk to Frank, so you should go."  The promoter wolf put his paws up.  "Okay, I'm out…no way I'm messing with you.  Frank…good luck."  The promoter wolf nearly ran out of the gym.  Furvus got into Frank's muzzle.  "You know Frank, I've heard that gangs have been organizing and wish to go after the ones who I care most about.  This means that they need information and I know that this is your game."  Furvus growled deeper and darker after he said this and hoisted Frank into the air by his shirtfront.  "Furvus…that's not me anymore…I promise…I left that life…I'm legit now I swear.  I would not do anything to make you mad and come after me either…every fur knows not to mess with you."  Furvus lowered Frank some.  "You better not be lying to me Frank…because if I find out that you are…you and I are getting into that ring over there…and one of us is getting out in a stretcher…take a guess as to who that would be."  Furvus rippled his huge arm and chest muscles as he said this.  "I don't want that Furvus, no one takes you on in the ring.  I remember when you used to come here and wipe the mat with other furs in there.  I'm being honest with you Furvus…I'm a straight shooter now."  Furvus placed Frank back on the ground, nodded and walked out of the gym.
Later in the evening, Furvus was at the gym with Chester.  The two were working on some squats with massive amounts of weights loaded on the bar.  Chet was showing Furvus some new tips that he had learned about lifting large amounts of weight and Furvus was taking it all in like a sponge.  The bar must have had about 4,000 pounds on it and Furvus was lifting it expertly.  Chet was smiling wide and nodding in approval of Furvus' form.  Furvus was incredibly ripped at this point and all of his muscles were very visible under his grey fur and work out attire.  DJ was watching this from a bit away.  He was leaning against a weight bench and smiling.  Eddy Ironfox walked up to DJ as he had noticed him.  "Hey DJ, I'm sorry that I missed your strong fur competition the other day.  There was a fire downtown and duty called."  DJ smiled at Eddy.  "No worried there Ironfox bro.  I know that your job comes first."  Eddy smiled.  "I heard that you did amazing though…congrats!"  "Thanks Eddy.  I'm glad at how I did and I learned a great deal from the big wolf over there."  DJ motioned towards Furvus.  Eddy's eyes went wide with seeing the amount of weight that Furvus was squatting.  His beeper went off.  "Damn, must be another fire in the area…I gotta run, but I'll see you tomorrow here at the gym…my first training session with you, just remember to go easy on me."  DJ smiled slyly at this.  "Don't worry; we'll get the heavy weights knocked out first."  Eddy did not like the sound of this, but nodded in approval and headed towards the gym's exit.  DJ went back to watching Furvus working out.  A big and muscular wolf approached DJ.  "Hey fox…you're big, but this is my bench…and you don't want to mess with the big bad wolf do you?"  DJ grinned at the muscular wolf.  "Oh, I'm sorry…but I'm just holding the bench for my bro over there."  DJ pointed at Furvus who was squatting an insane amount of weight and was completely ripped at the moment.  "See, he's the biggest and badest wolf that there is…perhaps you'd like to tell him that he can't use this bench as you don't wish to share it?"  The muscular wolf started to back away.  "That's Furvus Wolf right?  Nah, it's okay…really…take the bench…I'll find another one."  The muscular wolf half ran away in another direction.  DJ laughed a bit and continued to watch Furvus.  In doing so, DJ did not notice Andre walk up next to him.  Andre taped DJ on the shoulder.  "That was some great muscle worship last night you buffed one you."  DJ smiled.  "Mmmmm, yes it was indeed…I'm thinking about asking Furvus if he'd be up for it."  Andre's eyes went wide at this comment by DJ.  "You're thinking of muscle worshiping with…Furvus?!  DJ…he's a full-grown male wolf.  What if he gets upset or too into it?  He could hurt you.  I mean, he has some real raw power.  Even I have not muscle worshiped with a full grown male wolf before."  DJ grinned wide at this.  "I'm up for the challenge.  Besides, Furvus is gentle with his friends and Michelle.  I know that he would not harm me.  Besides, I've got some power also you know."  DJ flexed his right arm as a massive and vascular bicep grew to insane proportion and definition.  Andre felt the bulging bicep and smiled.  "I know that you do…but, I still want you to be careful."  DJ and Andre made their way over to Furvus and Chet.  Furvus smiled when he saw them as Chet finished up a set of squats with massive weights loaded onto the bar.  "Hey DJ…Andre, Chet just told me some good news…he wishes to start competing as a natural bodybuilder."  Chet nodded in agreement to this.  DJ and Andre smiled wide at this and congratulated Chet on his decision to do so.  Chet blushed a bit and shuffled a hoof on the ground.  "Well, I can't let you furs have all the fun up there on stage can I?"  Chet flexed his huge arms as incredibly defined and powerful biceps grew to immense size.  The three other furs looked on in awe of this big horse's muscle size.  One powerful horse indeed.  
A bit later on in the evening, DJ entered Furvus' Hell Pit Gym.  He had gotten a call that Furvus wished to see him in there.  DJ looked around, but did not see the big wolf anywhere in the gym.  He called out to him to no answer in reply.  DJ thought that this was very strange and was not like Furvus…he even started to get a bit worried that something had happened to Furvus.  Suddenly, DJ heard a door close behind him and the lights in the gym went dark.  "Furvus…is that you?"
--The song:  Sweet Dreams, by Marilyn Manson--
In reply to this was a very deep and dark growling getting closer and closer to DJ.  DJ started to take a few steps back and saw a very large figure moving in the shadows.  He could not tell if it was Furvus or not, but it sounded like Furvus' growl and it got louder and louder…closer and closer.  DJ kept back peddling and eventually his back leaned up against a wall.  The large figure peered out into the moonlight coming in from a window and indeed it was Furvus.  He was growling loud and barring his sharp teeth.  His ears were pinned back and he looked very intimidating and menacing.  He was shirtless and his incredibly well-defined and muscular upper-torso shined in the moonlight along with his grey fur.  His biceps bulged out as thick veins wrapped around and forked over his solid peaks.  Furvus wore only red gym shorts and his thick and powerful legs flexed and rippled with each powerful step that he took.  Furvus stalked up to DJ as if DJ was Furvus' prey.  Furvus leaned into DJ, growling and breathing hot breath against DJ's thick and muscular neck.  DJ gulped a bit.  "Furvus…are you…okay…big wolf?"  In a flash, Furvus grabbed DJ's paws and held them against his heaving chest.  Furvus' chest muscles rippled and shifted a bit as the incredibly formed mounds of muscle that made up his pectorals flexed out to the max and bounced a bit.  Furvus narrowed his eyes some more and starred at DJ.  "So…I hear that you wish to muscle worship with me.  So, what took you so long to want to do this? don't think that straights can have fun with this? Or were you just afraid of the big bad wolf?"  Furvus smiled slyly at DJ as he said this.  DJ relaxed some.  "Andre told you did he?"  Furvus chucked some.  "He did.  He was concerned a bit and I told him not to worry, but that I'd have a little fun with you at first…bet nothing ever happened like this before to start a muscle worship for you."  DJ grinned.  "I can't say that it has big wolf…but, it's totally you.  Very creative and very intimidating, but my God have you worked on this amazing chest of yours."  DJ gave Furvus' pecs a little squeeze and there was little give in return as the muscles were so solidly formed.  Furvus smiled.  "You can feel my heart beat right?"  DJ nodded.  "Yes I can and like the rest of you…it is very powerful indeed."  DJ reached over and grabbed onto Furvus' paws and felt the veins on top of them.  "So, these are the paws that put many bad furs in the hospital?"  Furvus nodded in approval.  DJ moved his paws along Furvus' mounds of muscle and steely-hard tendons that made up his vascular forearms and ran his pawed fingers along the thick wiggly veins which wrapped around them and then moved to Furvus' immensely built and powerful biceps which Furvus flexed for him.  DJ patted the solid peaks of Furvus' biceps and tried to squeeze them to no give at all.  "And these are the arms that can rip metal apart?"  Furvus nodded.  DJ moved to Furvus' massive shoulders and rubbed the grooves and ridges and solid muscle and tendons that formed them.  "And these are the shoulders that can power you though solid walls?"  Furvus nodded.  DJ moved to Furvus' ripped chest and washboard abs, running his paws up and down all of the incredibly hard and well-defined muscles and tendons and even the forming veins and reached behind to Furvus' thick and incredibly well-formed back.  "And this is the incredible upper-torso that can snap thick chains apart and crush solid cinder blocks to rubble?"  Furvus nodded.  DJ kneeled down and started to run his paws against Furvus' legs.  Furvus growled a bit and DJ backed off.  Furvus laughed a bit at this.  "I'm just messing with you bro…go for it."  DJ smiled and again ran his paws down Furvus' massive and insanely built thighs and then moved down to his cannonball-shaped calves.  "And these are the legs that are built thicker than tree trunks which aid you in being able to hold up the massive amount of weights that you can?"  Furvus nodded.  DJ stood up and smiled wide.  "This is why you are not the big bad wolf.  You are the biggest badest wolf.  No fur messes with you.  You are the beefy beast."  Furvus smiled at this.  "Well, I have had a very good trainer there bro."  DJ smiled at Furvus and removed his own shirt and Furvus placed his paws on DJ's chest and felt the incredibly vascular and hard muscles and tendons that made it up.  DJ flexed his chest to the max and rippled and bounced his pecs to this.  DJ smiled wide.  "So, you really enjoy this Furvus?" Furvus nodded.   "Well, I've got big muscles and I don't mind feeling big muscles.  I am straight, but I do appreciate the body and what it is capable of in any fur…but, this is my first muscle worship I must admit."  DJ smiled at this.  "Well, I'm honored that it's with me big wolf."  Furvus smiled in return.  Furvus then reached over and felt one of DJ's biceps.  DJ smiled slyly and flexed it out to the fullest…an incredible over 30 inches of pure fox power rose towards the sky and the once tubular shaped bicep was now bowling ball-sized and round with an incredible peak at its top. As he flexed his arm, there was a leather stretching type sound of the muscles contrasting and forming and it was one that was very pleasing to DJ and Furvus.   Furvus rubbed his paws around the bicep.  "I'd love to get to that level with my own biceps."  DJ grinned and rubbed a paw on Furvus' shoulder.  "You'll get there someday big wolf, just keep working at it…it takes time.  However, your biceps are very, very nice as they are…very powerful also.  And you know my favorite pose of yours."  Furvus grinned at the compliment and slowly curled both of his huge arms inwards towards him.  There was that leather stretching sound as Furvus' thick mounds of hard and vascular muscles and tendons shifted and rippled in his forearms, biceps, triceps and shoulders as he started to flex them to the max in a standard double bicep pose.  He growled a bit and the muscles grew even larger and were very visible under his grey fur.  Thick veins cabled his forearms and ran along his seemingly cut from granite biceps and forked over the solid peaks, then ran up along his boulder-like shoulders. It was a pretty awesome and intimidating site as Furvus' vascular muscles underneath his soft grey fur seemed to shine in the moonlight.   DJ placed his paws onto Furvus' fully flexed out and ripped biceps and smiled at the sheer hardness and definition to them.  Furvus returned a smile.  "I have been doing a lot of hammer curls as you've taught me with the proper form.  I think I may be able to take you at an arm wrestle."  Furvus grinned slyly as he said this. DJ got a competitive look on his muzzle.  "Oh, you want to go big wolf?  Bring it…I'm ready!" Furvus put his paws out in front of him. "Well, my arm's a bit sore right now and…"  DJ laughed and rolled his eyes.  "Sure it is big wolf…sure.  You know, it was during that arm wrestle match that we had that time back that I first wished to muscle worship with you."  Furvus looked at DJ with a bit of confusion.  "Really?"  "Sure…you see, very few, if any, could ever pin me in a match or even more so get out of one of my near pins…you did both.  I was amazed at your raw power and strength.  I mean, I know that you had it competing as a strong fur and all, but to see it up close and personal was something else…and the huge bicep of yours which formed during that match was absolutely ripped going against my own…amazing.  It's rare for me to have to work as hard as I did that day to win a match and I was so proud of you as I know how much work you've done to gain that amazing strength and body of yours."  Furvus grinned wide at this and gave DJ a hug.  "So, you like to see my power huh?"  Furvus grabbed DJ a bit tighter and hoisted him off the ground in a big bear…er…wolf hug.  DJ laughed a bit and held onto Furvus tight…feeling the very well-built muscles and tendons rippling and contrasting on Furvus' wide back and massive shoulders.  Furvus slowly released DJ from the hug and lowered him back down so that his pawed feet touched back down on the ground.  DJ smiled.  "It's amazing to just feel your power when you lift big wolf.  I don't know why any bad fur would wish to mess with you."  Furvus laughed a bit at this.  "They are not too bright…but, they learn quickly that it's never a good idea."  DJ took Furvus' paws and placed them on his chest.  "You let me feel your heart beat…now I'll let you feel my own."  DJ rippled his chest muscles some and Furvus could indeed feel the strong heart beat of DJ's.  "I can feel that powerful heart beat of yours bro and it's as powerful as the rest of you."  DJ smiled and chucked a bit.  "I would hope so.  The heart is the strongest muscle in the body."  Furvus slowly moved his paws around DJ's massive shoulders and then down to those amazing biceps of his.  DJ smiled.  "You really enjoy those biceps of mine don't you big wolf?"  Furvus grinned.  "They are just insane bro.  Nothing but solid mounds of pure power.  You are the most ripped fox that I know and it's no wonder that you are such a great champion pro bodybuilder…and soon to be pro strong fur."  DJ ran his own paws down Furvus' arms.  "Thanks big wolf bro…I've had years of training and determination to make up what I have and I'm very glad that you and others who know about the body and what goes into building it appreciate what I have done and have been able to accomplish."  DJ got behind Furvus and wrapped his arms underneath Furvus' own and rubbed his paws against and felt the very well-defined mounds of muscle that made up Furvus' hulking chest.  He leaned his muzzle against one of Furvus' incredibly built shoulders.  "You'll get to this level someday Furvus…I promise you this.  I know what effort you have put in to this point and you will be a great pro bodybuilder.  You know what I respect about you the most though?  You're built like a tank, however you really care for others and can be very gentle.  Look at what you are doing right now?  You did not have to do this and allow me to muscle worship with you.  It may have even freaked some others out, but you…you cared enough to want to do this and it means a lot to me."  Furvus patted DJ on the wrists.  "You're my bro…and I respect you.  Besides, you don't think that I notice how you look at my biceps when I do my preacher curls?"  Furvus laughed a bit as he said this.  DJ walked around to face Furvus.  "Oh…okay big wolf…and I notice how you look at my biceps when I do my hammer curls."  The two laughed at this. DJ rubbed one of his paws against Furvus' left tricep, feeling the rock-hard horseshoe-shaped muscles which formed it.  DJ was leaning against a wall and Furvus took his right arm and slammed his fist sideways against the wall forming a small crack in it in a show of power.  This was not just muscle worship as the two muscle furs were two of the most powerful furs that there was…this was also power and strength worship for them.  DJ rubbed his muzzle against Furvus' thick and powerful right bicep. "Furvus…I want to see some of that power of yours in action.  Can you do a power lift for me?" Furvus thought for a moment.  "Um…okay."  DJ grinned at this and walked over to one of Furvus' heavy duty squat racks and loaded a reinforced metal bar with many heavy plates.  DJ had helped Furvus to put this gym together and helped Furvus to pick out the best weights for lifting and training.  Furvus took a look at the super loaded bar and gave off a soft whistle.  "You want me to lift that?"  DJ smiled at this.  "Come on big wolf…I think that you've been holding out some in the power department."  Furvus walked over to the bar. "How much is on there?"  DJ grinned a bit wider.  "5,000 pounds…go for it big wolf."  Furvus was not too sure about this, but knelt down under the bar so that his huge shoulders and top of his back were square against it at its center.  He gripped the bar very tight and started to breathe a bit heavy and tried to lift it, but the bar would not budge.  DJ got an idea and smiled at this.  "Furvus…Michelle is trapped under it…are you really going to let that weight crush her?"  Furvus started to growl deep and powerfully and breathed a bit more heavy.  The plates on the bar started to rattle a bit as Furvus' massive muscles started to ripple.  Furvus growled louder and barred his sharp teeth and pinned his ears back and slowly the fully loaded bar started to rise from its support holders on the rack.  His blue eyes also seemed to turn to a shade of grey.  The immense mounds of muscle and steely-hard tendons that made up Furvus' legs  exploded out with incredible definition and seemed as if they would tear apart the red gym shorts that he wore as Furvus continued to rise up with the 5,000 pound bar against his shoulders and back.  Furvus continued to concentrate and his upper body now matched his legs with incredible definition.  He was now fully standing with the incredible amount of weight.  DJ smiled very wide at this.  "Okay big wolf…it's a good lift."  Furvus growled louder.  "I'm…not…done!"  Furvus' arm muscles became insanely defined as he started to hoist the massive weight off of his shoulders and towards the roof.  In an incredible feat of strength, Furvus fully lifted the 5,000 pound bar above his head.  The reinforced metal bar even started to bend some with the sheer weight that was on it. Furvus was always able to command some extra strength when pushed, but this was something more than that.  Furvus looked at the wide-eyed DJ.  "Is she free?"  DJ nodded in approval. "Yes…yes she is big wolf…you saved her."  Furvus nodded in approval of this and slowly lowered the bar back to his ripped shoulders and then back down to its support holders on the bar with a loud CLANG.  Furvus stood back up and walked up to DJ.  DJ grabbed onto Furvus' arms and could not believe how hard they were at this time.  "Big wolf bro…you never stop amazing me with what you can do.  That was awesome!"  Furvus smiled.  "Chet and I were talking at the gym about the unchained factor…we all have extra power in us, even more so than adrenaline that just needs to be unchained. Chet and I were going over this at the gym and we figure that it will come in handy during strong fur events and I want to teach you about this also.  Chet was showing me some techniques to do this and one of those was to imagine that a loved one was in danger…what would you do?  By telling me that Michelle was in danger trapped under the weight…it triggered it.  However, I can't imagine the amount of weight you'd be able to lift with this Darkfox bro…perhaps the gym or something."  DJ smiled wide at this…he was so happy when Furvus complimented him. "I look forward to learning about this from you big wolf bro." DJ continued to rub his paws up and down Furvus' arms and biceps and Furvus ran his paws along DJ's sides, feeling the sides of DJ's amazingly ripped abs then moved up to DJ's massive chest and shoulders.  DJ then got an idea and walked over to the 5,000 pound bar on the squat rack.  He grabbed it and closed his eyes and started to concentrate.  He growled a bit and his arm muscles started to ripple and bulge out as he began to lift it in a curling motion off of the support holders.  The thick mounds of muscle and steely-hard tendons that made up DJ's forearms became very visible under his snow white fur and thick veins snaked their way around them pumping blood to the muscles for this herculean effort.  His biceps were immense mountains of solid muscle and flexed to the max as he curled the massive weight to his heaving chest.  His very broad and ripped shoulders were just insanely defined and cut as he completed the curl.  The sound of clanking weight plates and that stretching leather like sound from DJ's growing and shifting arm muscles was heard.  DJ held the curl for a bit and smiled at Furvus.  "It may not be the gym, but how's this?"  Furvus was simply amazed at the sheer power that DJ was showing him.  "Incredible Darkfox bro…just incredible."  DJ smiled wide and slowly brought the massive bar back down from the curl and placed it back on the support holders.  He then walked up to Furvus and flexed his right arm to an immense size.  "There you go…a little fox power for you."  Furvus felt the arm and it seemed harder than stone.  "It's like I said, you are going to be a great strong fur and I can't get over the amount of power that flows through those big arms of yours."  DJ grinned slyly and ran his pawed fingers over the wiggly veins along Furvus' right arm.  "You're one to talk their big wolf bro…you have some amazing power yourself…I think that the two of us are going to make a pretty good team competing as strong furs for sure."  The two then sat down on a nearby bench and continued to explore one another's muscular physiques.  A bit later on, Furvus rested his muzzle against one of DJ's shoulders and just hugged his good bro.  DJ returned the hug, but then started to hear what sounded like a bit of snoring coming from Furvus.  "Furvus…are you asleep big wolf?"  DJ looked at Furvus and indeed he was out like a light.  DJ chucked a bit at this.  "Awe…someone's been working hard at his job taking care of those bad furs out there.  Thank you for this though big wolf bro…I'll get you to your bed."  DJ wrapped his ripped arms under Furvus' massive legs and hoisted him up in his arms as he stood up.  Luckily Furvus only lives about a block away from his Hell Pit Gym, so DJ simply carried the sleeping wolf home.  DJ knocked on the door and Michelle opened it and was surprised to see the scene of DJ carrying her husband.  DJ leaned into Michelle.  "He's asleep and I did not wish to wake him."  Michelle covered her muzzle with her paw as she laughed a bit at this.  She was also pretty impressed that DJ seemed to have no trouble carrying her 290 pound husband up the steps and into the bedroom where he placed Furvus in the bed and tucked him in.  Michelle mouthed, "Thank you", to DJ.  DJ smiled at her and nodded his head in approval and made his way back downstairs and out of the house.  
The next day, DJ was working in his bike shop…a big grin on his muzzle.  Andre walked into the shop.  "So, how was the muscle worship with the big wolf last night?"  DJ did not have to answer this as Andre saw the big grin.  "Oh, well I know that look.  You get that look on your muzzle after a good muscle worship.  It went well I take it…you're still in one piece and no claw or teeth marks seem to be on you."  DJ laughed a bit.  "Andre…that wolf has some serious skills at muscle worshiping.  I went to his gym and at first did not see him, but then he came out of the darkness and I thought that he'd rip me apart he was so menacing and then, boom, he goes into the muscle worship.  It was a great mixture of muscle and power at the same time."  Andre's eyes were getting wide with this.   "He does have some intimidation factor with those big muscles of his."  DJ nodded in approval of this.  "His muscles are very firm…if I would have placed my paw between his forearm and bicep when he flexed one of those big arms of his, my paw may have been crushed.  He's just raw power…incredible raw power.  The amazing thing about it is that he can destroy punching bags, yet he's also very gentle.  This all works in great harmony in him.  Andre…his strength is just…wow.  He lifted a fully loaded 5,000 pound bar over his head."  Andre's eyes went even wider at this.  "He did?"  "That jeep lift was nothing.  I loaded the bar and challenged him to squat it…he does so and then powers it over his head.  It was something to see.  I curled it later on, but to see the big wolf in action was sweet."  Andre smiled at this.  "Well, I did see him lift that jeep and I know that Furvus is strong."  "It's pure power Andre and I could really feel it…I mean really.  I felt his arms after he lifted the bar and my fingers tingled a bit."  Andre smiled.  "I want a turn to muscle worship with the big wolf."  DJ laughed a bit at this.  "Andre, he's got some real talent at it.  I know that he did not have to do that, but I really respect that he did and it was a lot of fun…well, he did fall asleep though."  Andre laughed at this.  "What?"  DJ grinned.  "I think that he had a long day at work…the poor wolf.  I carried him home and you should have seen the look on Michelle's muzzle when I came to the door carrying him."  Andre was nearly rolling on the floor with laughter at the thought of this.  "That must have been a sight."
A bit later in the evening, Furvus was in Jaqard, a.k.a. Captain Blood's, gym.  He was invited there to go on a private tour of the gym by Jaqard.  It was a fairly large gym with weights of various sizes and types all around and there was also a large wrestling mat in the middle of the gym with Jaqard's Captain Blood pirate logo in the middle of it big and bold.  Jaqard also trains amateur wrestlers at the gym and it's a great training place for wrestlers of all different levels and classes.  As Captain Blood, Jaqard is a very accomplished and well-known wrester and the fox takes this very seriously.  "So Furvus, what do you think of the place?"  Furvus gave a soft whistle as he continued to look around the large gym.  "This is an amazing gym Jaqard.  You've done a great job with creating it."  Furvus noticed the large pirate flags hanging on the wall.  "And it's very you."  Jaqard smiled at this.  "Thank you Furvus.  So, I hear that you are now competing as a bodybuilder.  May I see your build?"  Furvus nodded in approval and removed his shirt and clamped his paws together, flexing his massive arms and chest.  Jaqard smiled wide at this.  Furvus did not know this, but as he was removing his shirt, Jaqard had gotten a thick chain and held it behind his back.  Jaqard walked behind Furvus and before Furvus knew what was going on, Jaqard wrapped the thick chain around Furvus' chest and arms and padlocked it behind him.  Furvus growled.  "Jaqard…what are you doing?!"  Jaqard walked around to face Furvus.  "I just want to see how strong you are as I've heard that you are one strong wolf."  Furvus frowned at this.  "Jaqard, take these chains off of me…you don't want me to get mad…trust me."  Jaqard pointed to himself.  "Pirate remember…if you want out of them, you'll have to get yourself out.  You do have some big muscles…let's see if you can use them."  Furvus growled more deeply and his muscles started to shift and ripple against the chain.  His huge and well-defined biceps started to swell and flex out and his massive and ripped chest pushed against the thick metal chain.  Furvus growled deeper still and barred his sharp teeth.  All of the muscles of chest and arms were now fully flexed.  Jaqard was enjoying this very much.  "I'm wrestling you should you break free of those chains." Furvus frowned at him. "Once I get out of these chains…you are going to be in trouble!"  Soon after he said this, the thick chain lost its battle against Furvus' muscles and snapped against Furvus' chest and fell to the ground at Furvus' pawed feet.  Furvus flexed his arms at his sides and let off a loud and powerful growl.  Jaqard smiled wide and got into a wrestling stance.  "Amazing power…now, let's see who can make who say uncle first shall we?"  Jaqard charged at Furvus and tackled him to the floor.  The two rolled around a bit and each tried to get the upper paw on the other.  Jaqard thought that he had pinned Furvus to the floor with a certain type of hold, but Furvus powered his way out of it.  Furvus stood back up and Jaqard grabbed him around the waist and squeezed as hard as he could.  "Only two other furs have ever been able to get out of this hold Furvus…Chet and DJ. This is my best hold and a Captain Blood special.  I've got some power in my muscles also."  Jaqard's well-defined and powerful muscles rippled as he said this.  "Now, say uncle…or I'll break those ribs of yours!"  Furvus was beyond mad now as this had gone far enough.  He grabbed onto Jaqard's paws with his own and squeezed a bit with that vise-like grip of his.  Jaqard was in a bit of pain now and released his hold a bit enough for Furvus to power his way out of it.  Jaqard landed on the mat on his tail with this and Furvus got down and grabbed Jaqard into a powerful headlock hold with his right arm.  Furvus' bicep started to ripple and bulge out against Jaqard's neck and, with this, Jaqard started to have trouble breathing and tried with all of his strength to pry Furvus' arm off, but could not.  Furvus growled at him.  "You better say uncle…or should I fully flex out this arm of mine?!"  Furvus' bicep rippled some more at this.  Jaqard thought things through and knew when he was bested.  "U…Uncle…uncle!"  Furvus released Jaqard from the hold and Jaqard breathed in the much-needed air into his lungs.  Furvus stood back up and helped Jaqard to his pawed feet.  "Jaqard, in the future, if you want to see me do something powerful or wrestle, just ask me okay?"  Jaqard nodded in approval of this.  "So, now it makes three who have gotten out of my best hold.  A very well-played match there Furvus.  You are one most powerful wolf.  Here…you've earned this."  Jaqard grabbed something out of a box and tossed it to Furvus.  It was a black tank top with a white Captain Blood pirate logo on the front of it.  Furvus put it on.  Jaqard smiled.  "It fits you very well."  Furvus smiled and flexed his massive and vascular arm muscles.  Jaqard nodded in approval of this.  "You know, you'd make one heck of a wrestler.  I could train you if you'd like."  Furvus put his paws out in front of him.  "It's okay Captain…I'll leave that up to the pros like yourself."  The two shook paws and Furvus headed out of the double doors.  Soon after this the phone in Jaqard's office rang and he went in and picked it up.  "Hello…this is he…ah, I heard about how the big wolf rearranged your office the other day and also created a new entrance to the warehouse…he was just in here with me…I did test his strength, but he broke out of my best hold and only two other furs were ever able to do this in the past before he did…my advice to you?  Leave town…this is not a wolf that you'd want to deal with. I am your most powerful ally and I am no match for him and have also formed a great respect for him so I'd tread carefully as you may have more than just him to worry about should you proceed any further with your plans."  Jaqard slammed the phone back onto its receiver and nodded in approval of what he just told the gang boss.
To all of the Furvus Fans out there, here is the latest Furvus Wolf story.

As I was writing this, I started thinking about the good friends that I have made here on DA and this story is for all of you guys also. You all know who you are and your friendship means a great deal to me. It does not matter how big a role in this story your anthros got, or even if they were not in the story at all. Know that I have great equal respect for all of you and your anthros. The big wolf does also :) Never lose your creativeness in what you do…be it artwork or writing. You all have great talent at what you do and I have great respect for your creations. I’m still trying to get some notoriety for Furvus and my writings, but even if my works do not get up there in views and such, the fact that I have been able to make some good friends just by joining this site those months back and posting my works is more than I could have asked for and I thank you all, my good friends, very much for this :)


Song: Sweet Dream, by Marilyn Manson: [link]

Furvus Wolf, Michelle Wolf and Eddy Ironfox are (C) to me
DJ Darkfox is (C) to: [link]
Jaqard is (C) to: [link]
Andre is (C) to: [link]
Chet is (C) to: [link]
© 2012 - 2024 MightyMouseFan78
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If my memory serves me right, this might be the first story I´ve read from you…and it´s still awesome. The building anticipation with a growling Furvus lumbering towards DJ before suddenly letting him feel his muscular chest had me at the edge of my seat. After that, it´s a good mix between showing off their incredible strength and a sensual worship. (My favourite part, as always: Furvus and DJ feeling each others heartbeat.):heart: :horny: